Tag: nrpf
On May 17th, funding for emergency accommodation in Bristol for people who have been designated as having No Recourse to Public Funds will end. One group of people facing homelessness rendered especially vulnerable during the pandemic are European Economic Area nationals without worker status and people seeking asylum who have been designated as No Recourse […]
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An end to ‘Everyone In’ could push dozens of people in Bristol onto the streets overnight
Cheers Drive is one year old this week. As the country looks back on the past twelve months, we are marking the first anniversary of what has been an unprecedented programme of citywide cooperation that has forever changed the way we think about food aid in Bristol. Kat Caldwell is Caring in Bristol’s Operations Manager. […]
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Cheers Drive: one year of pioneering food aid
We look at what the chancellor’s announcement and its implementation will mean for people at risk of and experiencing homelessness in Bristol in the coming year. Caring in Bristol’s Director Ben Richardson says of the budget: “Bristol needs further funding to help keep members of our community safe and off the streets, and unfortunately this […]
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Budget 2021: Caring in Bristol’s response
Caring in Bristol is a people-first organisation. All of our services are designed around the needs of the people who use them, and are constantly evolving and improving as we incorporate their feedback. This is especially true when it comes to Cheers Drive. We believe that food support doesn’t have to be prescriptive, and that […]
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Cheers Drive: Moving towards independence
As the Covid-19 vaccination effort continues nationwide, we are working to ensure that all of the people we support in Bristol can access a vaccine. This includes supporting those who have had to self-isolate because of positive tests with food and supplies, and distributing guidance on how to register with a GP to people in […]
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