
TAP For Bristol

How the initiative is fighting homelessness

Two firmly held ideas at Caring in Bristol are that homelessness is not inevitable, and homelessness is an issue for everyone. It can be hard to know how to get involved in the fight against it, and we all have a different capacity to do so.


One organisation that is connecting people in Bristol to a way of addressing the homelessness crisis is Bristol City Centre BID (Business Improvement District) through their TAP for Bristol initiative. It connects donors with Caring in Bristol’s work, enabling them to power the actions that move people in their city back from a crisis. Individuals can easily tap their contactless card or device to donate £3 at donation points around the city. In its first four years it raised over £100,000, showing that Bristol really is a city that cares!

TAP takes off!

The scheme began its life in 2019, and now has 25 TAP points throughout the city centre. Today it’s still going strong, having recently achieved over £129,000 in donations and currently focussed on targeting the prevention allocation of funds to support Caring in Bristol’s new emergency youth shelter, known as Z House. We identified a gap in provision in the city, realising that this would be a vital resource to young people facing or experiencing homelessness.

Vital Support

The team at BID were quick to see the need for this innovative new project, and how they could support it. Head of Bristol BID, Vicky Lee said, “It’s important that we acknowledge that there is a crisis of homelessness. The Z House Project is an amazing project that we are very proud to be a part of. It will provide young people with specific, tailored support to ensure that they are provided with practical skills and opportunities while they’re in the Z House accommodation, to help them find more permanent housing.” BID’s determination to see this project come to fruition and be a permanent resource to young people in Bristol means that every time someone makes a TAP donation, they are helping to secure a better future for young people through a traumatic point in their lives. The Z House will pilot a range of approaches to supporting young people experiencing a homelessness crisis, providing support to make lasting changes in their lives that will bring stability and a stronger future. The BID’s involvement forms a vital link in this chain of support.


TAP for Bristol funding is managed by Quartet Community Foundation. This gives an added layer of confidence to donors, knowing that the impact of their gift is administered and evaluated to the high standard they should expect. Vicky adds, “100% of donations go to local frontline services.” This is a crucial point, because it means that people who want to see a difference being made in the place where they live, or work can be certain that their donation will do just that. 

For more information about TAP for Bristol from Bristol City Centre BID, (supported by Redcliffe & Temple BID) visit https://bristolcitycentrebid.co.uk/tap-for-bristol/ 

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