
Youth Shelter

Since the closure of our previous accommodation services, Caring in Bristol has investigated and researched the best way to provide short to medium-term stays for young people experiencing a homelessness crisis.  

The number of young people at risk of homelessness in Bristol continues to rise. Young people come to our Project Z service with increasingly complex housing problems. The people we support often fall between the gaps of existing services; they are experiencing long-term hidden homelessness, and at high risk of exploitation and abuse. They experience family estrangement, multiple trauma, low income and educational attainment, and mental and physical health issues. There is currently no youth-focused temporary accommodation in Bristol, and research shows adult shelters can be inappropriate spaces for younger people. 

We are excited to be moving forward with our specialised youth shelter concept, which will provide four single occupancy rooms for people aged 18-25, alongside tailored support to help them achieve their goals for moving towards a more secure housing situation.   

Aiming to launch in late 2023, we are on the lookout for Bristolians who would like to volunteer to support this service, hosting young people on site and creating a warm welcoming environment. This role would include overnight shifts in the city centre (accommodation provided). If you are interested please email volunteer@caringinbristol.org.uk  


More information on our progress, read more about our Youth Shelter on our Appeal page take a look at our blog about the shelter


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